“(Christopher Marley’s) Biophilia is a stark memo on how little we know of what we claim is our world… It is also an elegant manifesto meant to nudge us off our couches and easy chairs and out the door…“Biophilia” is a stark memo on how little we know of what we claim is our world. It encourages us to repeat the names of these species that, mostly, we don’t have a clue about.It makes us peer into eyes we cannot fathom. One of art’s goals is to shock and awake and Biophilia hits that mark soundly… In his art, he reclaims each animal’s physical body, then its spirit.”


    “Christopher Marley has used his skills as a designer, conservator, taxidermist, and environmentally responsible collector to make images and mosaics that produce strong, positive emotional responses in viewers… While his work is motivated by aesthetics, many of the artist’s mosaics tell scientific stories, particularly those that include organisms that are genetically related but live in different parts of the world… He painstakingly arranges according to color to highlight their striking visual relationships.”


    “As an artist, Marley offers a perspective on nature that’s more corporeal than conceptual. It manifests itself in clean lines and axes—orbiting specimens that have passed from life to deities of art… It’s all part of a marvelous display, one that silences any notion that the natural vessel is worthless after death.”